our method.
We get it! You are tired. Your family is unique and your child has specific needs. This is why our sleep plans are easy to follow and tailored to your specific needs. We designed an Á la carte menu of services to make sure we meet you where you need us the most. We are here to help you.
From sleep shaping programs for newborns to gentle sleep training for babies and children, we help you regain your life balance and sleep again while offering support and responding to your child as we teach them healthy sleep habits that will stay with them forever.
Virtual Concierge Private Sleep Coaching
All of our sleep concierge coaching services include :
- Initial evaluation.
- 60 to 90 minute initial private virtual consultation.
- Tailored sleep plan.
- Followup support through email, text and phone calls.
- Access to Rested sleep tracking app.
All our services may be eligible for reimbursement through FSA and HSA. Guaranteed results or your money back.
concierge sleep coaching at home
Let us take care of you! Get private in-home support with your sleep consultant. They will provide an on-site nursery assessment, support you through each step of your child’s bedtime routine, explain and demonstrate each step of your sleep plan, and observe your child.
When your child wakes up in the middle of the night, your sleep consultant will show you exactly what to do.
Are naps the problem? We have a plan for that too!
Exclusively available in:
- Philadelphia, PA, South Jersey, NYC and surrounding areas.
- San Francisco, CA and Bay Area.
- Tulsa, OK Metropolitan Area.

Full Night
(from 6:30 pm to 5:30 am)
Half Night
(from 6:30 pm to 11:30 pm)
Day of Naps
(from 9 am to 2 pm)
newborn sleep shaping class
1 hour virtual class to educate expecting parents on all things newborn sleep, including what to expect, safe sleep, and what you need to get ready for your new arrival. Included with this class:
- Newborn sleep guide.
- Safe sleep guide.
- Dressing guide.
- Shopping list.
- Get the nursery ready guide.
Text support after hours and retainers
You can add these to all of our sleep coaching services.