The 8-Month Infant Sleep Regression

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Between the age of 7-9 months, many previously good sleepers experience difficulty falling and staying asleep, increased fussiness, or sudden challenges around naptime. Commonly known as the 8-month sleep regression, there are several developmental reasons behind the shift from peaceful sleep to frequent waking’s and naptime struggles. 

If you suspect that your infant may be going through the 8-month sleep regression, our infant and toddler sleep regression specialists are here to help you restore peace at home. For helpful information and solutions, take a few moments to learn more about the 8-month sleep regression below.

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What Is the 8-Month Sleep Regression?

The 8-month sleep regression is a sudden change in your baby’s sleep patterns that can show up between 8 and 10 months old. It is caused by developmental milestones, separation anxiety, and teething. You will notice new middle-of-the-night awakenings, cat naps, or more protests when you lay your baby down.

At this age, babies are working on a lot of new skills, including crawling and holding up to stand. Their little brain will focus on practicing these new tricks, even when it’s time to sleep. Their brain is also hard at work building all the new connections that it needs, making it harder to fall asleep and to stay asleep.

Separation anxiety in infants between 7-9 months can also lead to issues with naptime and bedtime. All of a sudden your baby has realized there is a real chance of you not coming back, which can lead to sudden protest during nap time and bedtime. 

Additionally, your baby may also need more awake time throughout the day. Babies around 7-9 months should be taking only 2 naps a day. If your baby is taking more daytime sleep, this could be the reason you are noticing changes in nighttime sleep. This is a great time to adjust your baby’s schedule. ,

Fortunately, sleep regressions can be addressed with a well-designed plan that aligns with your infant’s developmental needs. Our sleep coaches will help you identify the exact causes, teach you how to address your infant’s needs and show you what you can do to maintain healthy sleep habits through infancy, toddlerhood, and beyond. 

Signs That Your Baby is Going Through a Sleep Regression

The signs of the 8-month sleep regression can vary dramatically from child to child. For many infants, increasing mobility and energy levels result in difficulty settling for naps or bedtime. For other babies, changes in appetite can lead to frequent night wakings or missed naps. Separation anxiety in infants can lead to increasing irritability, frustration, or clinginess, especially if attempting to transition to a separate crib or sleeping space. 

Common signs of sleep regression include: 

  • Difficulty falling asleep without being rocked or soothed 
  • Short naps or refusal to nap at normal times
  • Reverting to previous sleep habits, like feeding to sleep
  • Waking up earlier in the morning or more frequently at night 
  • Increased fussiness or irritability when you leave the room or crib side
  • Changes in appetite and feeding patterns
  • Increased fussiness during the day

Is your child experiencing any of these common sleep regression signs? We know how hard it can be to determine what’s normal or not! If you are looking for a solution, we are happy to help you get to the root of your child’s sleep struggles. 

8 month sleep regression
8 month separation anxiety

How Long Does the 8-Month Sleep Regression Last?

Fortunately, most sleep regressions are temporary developmental challenges that will pass in time. On average, the 8-month sleep regression will last for two weeks at most, if your baby has independent sleep skills. If your little one does not have healthy sleep habits, they will have a harder time getting out of this sleep regression and you will need to work on sleep training to get them unstuck.

Strategies That Parents Can Use to Help Their Baby

The 8-month-sleep-regression can fade with time, but there are several steps you can take to help them get through the bump! To help your baby through the 8-month sleep regression, use these simple strategies in your daily nap and bedtime routine: 

  • Organize a consistent nap and bedtime routine: A structured sleep ritual is key to giving your baby the message that things have not changed. 
  • Build a peaceful sleeping environment: Make their room a soothing space with dim lights, calming white noise, and a relaxed color scheme that sets the tone for better sleep.
  • Allow your infant to explore and expend their energy between naps: Physical activity promotes sleep and is a great way to build up more sleep pressure before a nap. Let your baby practice those newfound skills!

This is only a sample of the things that you can try at home during the 8th month sleep regression. Our specialists have a ton more aces under their sleeves that can help you! Whether frequent nighttime wakings or naptime challenges are affecting your family’s quality of life, we are determined to help you navigate the sleepless nights and naptime woes with empathy and a step-by-step personalized sleep plan. 

When Should I Consult a Sleep Specialist

If the 8-month sleep regression persists for more than one week, contact our sleep specialists. Even if your infant’s sleep disruptions are mild, our award-winning process and support will help you get back on track. Through the 8-month sleep regression, we will provide you with sleep education that goes beyond your current concerns, helping you maintain your baby’s sleep after our time together.  

Learn More About Sleep Regression & Find Better Sleep Today

In addition to direct support for 8-month sleep regression, our sleep specialists are happy to assist with proactive guidance and education. By implementing constructive sleep habits into the routine before problems emerge, many issues with sleep regression can be significantly reduced or avoided entirely. 

For a personalized consultation or more information about 8-month sleep regression, get in touch with our infant sleep coaches and find a better way to get better rest today! 

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